
Flink Tasks raises events at various points during the execution of a task.

Worker Events

On Task Received

Raised when a task is received but before it is recorded in state or begins to execute.
def on_task_received(context, task_request):

On Task Started

Raised when a task begins to execute.
def on_task_started(context, task_request):

On Task Retry

Raised if a task fails and is going to be retried due to a RetryPolicy. The retry_count is the number of times the task has retried including this one.
def on_task_retry(context, task_request: TaskRequest, retry_count):

On Task Finished

Raised when a task finishes with either a task_result or a task_exception. If the task has returned a pipeline is_pipeline will be True.
def on_task_finished(context, task_result=None, task_exception=None, is_pipeline=False):

On Emit Result

Raised when task or pipeline is finished and the result is about to be emitted but before it is recorded in state.

TasksExceptions raised by this event handler will be ignored.
def on_emit_result(context, task_result=None, task_exception=None):

Pipeline Events

The pipeline function also emits events to egress as the pipeline progresses.

message PipelineCreated {
    string caller_id = 1;
    string caller_address = 2;
    PipelineInfo pipeline = 3;

message PipelineStatusChanged {
    TaskStatus status = 1;

message PipelineTasksSkipped {
    repeated TaskInfo tasks = 1;

message Event {
    string pipeline_id = 1;
    string pipeline_address = 2;
    string root_pipeline_id = 3;
    string root_pipeline_address = 4;

    oneof event {
        PipelineCreated pipeline_created = 5;
        PipelineStatusChanged pipeline_status_changed = 6;
        PipelineTasksSkipped pipeline_tasks_skipped = 7;